Rockstar Recruiting

Rockstar Recruiting matches skilled mechanics, HVAC technicians, millwrights, fire specialists, and plumbers with your job opportunities.

Are Job Ads Effective For Hiring HVAC Techs?

In the world of HVAC, the demand for skilled technicians and installers is ever-growing, making the competition for top talent fierce. While many companies resort to the traditional method of posting job ads, this may not be the most effective strategy for attracting the best HVAC professionals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the challenges […]

Are Job Ads Effective For Hiring HVAC Techs? Read More »

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The Unsung Hero: Why Hiring a Good Dispatcher Is Crucial for Your HVAC Service Company

In the fast-paced world of HVAC services, where precision, efficiency, and customer satisfaction are top priorities, the role of a dispatcher cannot be overstated. Dispatchers are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring that your HVAC service company runs smoothly and successfully. In this blog post, we’ll explore why hiring a skilled dispatcher is of

The Unsung Hero: Why Hiring a Good Dispatcher Is Crucial for Your HVAC Service Company Read More »

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13 Benefits of Using a Recruiting Company for Hiring HVAC Technicians and Installers

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right talent for specialized roles like HVAC technicians and installers for both commercial and residential HVAC companies can be a daunting task. That’s where a professional recruiting company can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we’ll explore the multitude of benefits associated with using a recruiting firm

13 Benefits of Using a Recruiting Company for Hiring HVAC Technicians and Installers Read More »

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15 Red Flags To Look Out For When Hiring HVAC Technicians and Installers

When hiring HVAC technicians and installers for commercial and residential positions, it’s essential to be vigilant about certain red flags that may indicate potential issues with a candidate’s qualifications or suitability for the role. Here are some red flags to watch out for: When hiring HVAC technicians and installers, these red flags should serve as

15 Red Flags To Look Out For When Hiring HVAC Technicians and Installers Read More »

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A Breath of Fresh Air: A Brief History of the HVAC Industry

When you’re lounging in your comfortably climate-controlled home or office, it’s easy to take the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system for granted. However, the journey of HVAC technology from its humble beginnings to its current state of sophistication is a fascinating one. In this blog post, we’ll take a journey through time to

A Breath of Fresh Air: A Brief History of the HVAC Industry Read More »

HVAC/R Companies & Employers – Streamline Your Hiring Process Image- light blue male and female runners in business suit

HVAC/R Companies & Employers – Streamline Your Hiring Process

I speak with North American HVAC client’s everyday and regardless of whether they are located in Florida, Texas, California, New York, Massachusetts, Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Alberta, or P.E.I, the one common issue they all lament is: the skilled trades shortage of experienced HVAC Technicians. While this is not ground breaking news and generally common

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Phone Interview Tips and Tricks to Get you Closer to Your Next Job

Although in-person interviews are much more prevalent in the skilled trades, there are different situations where a company or even a candidate, requests a phone interview as a first step in the hiring process.  If you’re an HVAC professional, read below for some phone interview tips and tricks to help get you closer to your

Phone Interview Tips and Tricks to Get you Closer to Your Next Job Read More »

Blog Image When Should You Start Recruiting Your HVAC Technicians and Installers: grey picture of bald man with a beard looking down thinking and his hand on head

When Should You Start Recruiting HVAC Technicians and Installers?

We get calls every day from commercial and residential HVAC companies in a panic, they need to hire HVAC/R technicians and installers urgently.  When we ask when they need them to start, they will often say Yesterday! If you are waiting until you are desperate to start recruiting HVAC technicians and installers, this is obviously

When Should You Start Recruiting HVAC Technicians and Installers? Read More »

What Employers Can Do to Rise Above COVID-19 Picture: Orange background with with sign saying Not Today #Covid10

What Employers Can Do to Rise Above COVID-19

Employers: Don’t get caught in this pandemic twiddling your thumbs, sitting idly back, and praying for the best. Nowadays, you can’t turn on the news or speak with family, friends, or colleagues without hearing or speaking about the latest COVID-19 update.  From lock downs, social distancing, long lineups at the grocery store, shortage of disinfectant

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From Dating to the Workforce, Here’s How Employers Can Avoid Candidates Ghosting Them: person wearing a white sheet like a ghost

Dating to the Workforce, How Employers Can Avoid Candidates Ghosting Them

We’ve all heard stories from friends in the dating game (or you may have experienced it yourself): you’ve been speaking with a great girl (or guy) for a couple of weeks and then out of nowhere, radio silence. No more phone calls, texts go unanswered, missed meetups, calls go straight to voicemail, well you get

Dating to the Workforce, How Employers Can Avoid Candidates Ghosting Them Read More »

A Guide for Skilled Trade Workers Looking to Immigrate to Canada or the U.S.A Picture: blue and red toy planes

A Guide for Skilled Trade Workers Looking to Immigrate to Canada or the U.S.A

We get lots of highly qualified skilled trade workers, such as HVAC Service Technicians, reaching out to us from all over the world: Africa, Australia, India, England, and Jamaica wanting to know what they need to do to immigrate to Canada or the U.S.A and work in their trade. While we are no experts and

A Guide for Skilled Trade Workers Looking to Immigrate to Canada or the U.S.A Read More »

Your HVAC/R Job Search Starts with Your Resume: Back Jean pocket with wrench and note

Your HVAC/R Job Search Starts with Your Resume

Maybe it’s the start of a New Year and promised resolutions (New Year, New Me mantra) or it’s spring with the promise of fresh new beginnings that has HVAC/R Service Technicians, Installers, and Fitters thinking about a new work environment.  In reality, it’s more likely you are: wanting to do better for yourself and/or family

Your HVAC/R Job Search Starts with Your Resume Read More »


10 Things To Consider When Looking for an HVAC Tech Job

From the outside, HVAC jobs can all look the same, especially when you are looking at cookie-cutter job descriptions. An HVAC Technician is basically the same duties regardless of where you are working and you already know what the job entails. Going beyond the required duties there are 10 main things that you need to

10 Things To Consider When Looking for an HVAC Tech Job Read More »

7 Ways a Recruiter Can Help You Find HVAC Technicians

A good recruiter does so much more than place job ads and send invoices. A good recruiter will form a partnership with you and come up with an in-depth recruiting strategy tailored to your needs. Recruiters are particularly helpful with: Confidential Searches Relocations (Finding good candidates from across the country for your opportunity) Passive Candidates

7 Ways a Recruiter Can Help You Find HVAC Technicians Read More »