Hiring Skilled Trades?

Hire a Rockstar


Rockstar Recruiting Group is Home To:

Rockstar Mechanics - black - transparent

The Rockstar Recruiting Group is your best solution for hiring Skilled Trades People throughout Canada and the USA. We are a diverse recruiting firm (employment agency, head hunter, staffing firm… whatever you want to call us, is fine) made up of four separate divisions: Rockstar MechanicsRockstar HVACRockstar Millwrights and Rockstar Fire. Each division is armed with a team of specialist recruiters ready to help you hire, even for your hardest to fill positions. 

Contact us today to learn how we can help. We can be reached at:
1-833-937-3546 or info@rockstarrecruitinggroup.com

Why Skilled Trades People Are So Hard To Find

Increase In Demand

Over the past 20 years, the number of vehicles on the road and pieces of heavy equipment in use throughout North America has risen by nearly 40%. At the same time, residential and commercial construction industries is booming and the manufacturing sector in North America is rebounding. More vehicles, buildings, and manufacturing means an increase in maintenance and repairs, requiring more technicians.

Decrease in Supply

While the demand for Mechanics, HVAC Technicians, Millwrights, Fire Protection Installers, and other Skilled Trades People has increased, the supply of qualified technicians has decreased. Apprenticeship enrollment numbers are down and massive numbers of Baby-Boomers are retiring. Skilled Trades People are harder to find than ever, and in most locations there are more jobs available than qualified candidates.


Job Boards Just Don't Work

There are upwards of 75% more jobs available than there are qualified Skilled Trades Candidates that are actively looking for work. This is particularly true for Mechanics/Technicians, HVAC Installers/Techs, Fire Safety Staff, and Millwrights. The best candidates are employed and do not visit job boards. Posting job ads is a passive action. You need an active strategy to find, attract, and hire the best candidates. Rockstar Recruiting is that active recruiting solution, with over 85% of our placements coming from candidates who were not actively looking.

Expertise Matters

At Rockstar Recruiting we stick to our knitting; we know what we are good at and we don’t venture too far beyond. We have dedicated teams of recruiters with years of experience in their field.

Our teams include:

  • Rockstar Mechanics – Specialists in searching for Diesel, Heavy Equipment, Marine, and Automotive Technicians
  • Rockstar HVAC – Experts in finding Commercial and Residential HVAC Technicians and Installers
  • Rockstar Millwrights – The best in the business at locating Millwrights, Industrial Mechanics, and Maintenance Technicians
  • Rockstar Fire –  The authority in recruiting Fire Suppression, Protection, and Extinguisher technicians, as well as Alarm Techs and Sprinkler Fitters 

Since 2018, we have been working closely with companies of all sizes throughout Canada and the USA to help them find and hire their Rockstars. Give us a call to see how we can help you.

lets rock n roll
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Dedicated Teams With Industry Expertise and Years of Experience