Recruiting Help

Repair Your Shop Before You Replace Your Technicians
Before you hire any more mechanics, make sure your shop is a place where people want to work. If it isn’t, you will never stop

Which Mechanic Should You Promote?
What to consider when deciding which mechanic to promote.

Get Off The Fence and Hire That Mechanic … or Don’t
On the fence about if you should hire a mechanic? Try using these strategies to see if they will be a fit for your shop

There Is a Shortage Of Qualified Mechanics, Why? A Look At The Numbers
If you ask most Maintenance Managers or Service Managers what their biggest challenge is, most will tell you it is finding good mechanics to Hire. There is a huge shortage of good technicians in the trade, and it seems to be only getting worse.

5 Ways To Increase Employee Retention In Your Mechanic Shop
Good Mechanics are hard to find, ok that is a bit of an understatement. Hiring good mechanics is near impossible in some markets. Trust me, I have been recruiting mechanics for over 10 years and the battle for talent has only gotten worse. There are more mechanic jobs than ever and less qualified mechanics to fill the spots.

How To Write Job Ads That Mechanics Actually Apply To
Recruiting Mechanics starts with writing a good job ad, right now there are over 75,000 Mechanic jobs posted on Indeed and I can guarantee there are not enough mechanics to go around. Your ad needs to stand out, follow the below tips for your best chances to Hire Mechanics.

Recruiting Is Like An IceBerg
Almost every day I talk to someone who says something like “it is impossible to find good mechanics to hire.” When I hear this I

Why Are Good Mechanics So Damn Hard To Find?
Hiring Mechanics is not an easy task, Finding Good Mechanics to Hire can sometimes feel like looking for Unicorns. The best ones are rarely available and the ones that are available are not often the best. Below we will tackle why this is the case and what can be done about it.

How to Hire A Mechanic (7 Easy Steps)
Hiring a Mechanic can seem like a daunting task, do you use a Head Hunter or Employment Agency? What job boards do you post on? What to ask during an interview? How much should you offer? Below is an easy to follow 7 step guide for recruiting mechanics.

27 Interview Questions To Ask A Mechanic
If you are Hiring a Mechanic a good interview can make sure you select the right one. Recruiting Mechanics is hard enough, once you have them in for an interview you have to make sure to ask the right questions, this will not only give you a better idea of how good the Mechanic is but will also show the mechanic that you are prepared, know what you are doing and are a good company to work with.

How To Hire A Mechanic – Finding Techs
Hiring Mechanics is no walk in the park, especially now. Even as Mechanic Recruiters we find it hard, there are more jobs available than qualified mechanics and most techs know this. They can choose where they go and for the most part they know what they are worth. Here are 5 sources to find mechanics.

3 Questions to Ask Before Signing a Recruiters Service Agreement
How do you know if the Recruiter/Head Hunter is any good? Ask these 3 questions to narrow down if your headhunter/staffing specialist is worth working with.