Tips for Employers: Growing Your Company During COVID-19


With the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic taking over everyone’s lives and the global economy, it’s no surprise small and large corporations, regardless of the industry they serve, are facing a variety of unique challenges never faced before.

Companies and services deemed essential, such as grocery stores, pharmaceutical, medical, HVAC, Mechanics, and Millwrights are mandated to remain open to keep society functioning as smoothly as possible. Although essential services and the skilled trades industries remain open, we hear from numerous Canadian and American organizations of having to reduce staff, difficulty obtaining safety equipment (i.e. masks, hand sanitizers etc.), creating new employee and customer procedures, adjusted hiring policies, and the biggest challenge, finding qualified Mechanics and Technicians.

While it would be easy to maintain the status quo, below are several tips and suggestions business owners, managers, and employers can do to use this time to grow the company and come out of this pandemic stronger and better than before.


Be transparent about the company’s direction and the measures been taken to protect the safety and overall wellbeing of your employees and customers. It is vital to communicate through phone or email regularly, with both laid off and working employees, to make sure they and their family are safe and doing well. Find out what you, as a company, can do to help provide assistance or support to them during this time. This will all go a long way and foster a greater company culture – plus, the trades industry is tight and people talk.


Don’t slow down your sales initiatives, if anything, increase your efforts. Use this time to create or build your social media presence (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) to increase your company’s brand awareness and reach a greater market audience. Share interesting articles or trade-related tips, promote your company services, funny and relatable memes etc. Take a look at your Google reviews and respond to any positive or negative reviews. Ever thought about writing? Try creating blogs about your favorite tools, common repair issues, your journey from apprenticeship to licensed Technician etc. and share them on your website and across your social media sites. Not only does increasing your company’s brand awareness help grow your business, it can also attract potential star employees.


Maybe now is the time to research and look into a new maintenance or diagnostics programs, payroll, inventory software, automating service reports, eliminating paperwork etc. Streamlining your operation could save the company time, money, and increase productivity, plus, give your company a competitive edge.


Use this time to invest in your employees by researching what safety, trade-related, and manufacturing training and certification programs are offered online to improve their skills and keep them current with the latest trends and technologies.


Re-structure your hiring procedures and eliminate any unnecessary hurdles or multiple interview steps to avoid candidates from losing interest or being hired by your competition.

To safely interview and practice the required social distancing measures, you should:

  • Conduct phone or video interviews (i.e. Skype, FaceTime, Zoom etc.)
  • Avoid any physical contact, including shaking hands, and maintain at least 6 feet of separation between everyone involved
  • Wash hands often, make sure the interview space is clean and sanitized, and have hand sanitizers readily available.

Listening to both our Canadian and American clients, it is clear that while some may be slowed down or projects temporarily shut down, they are all anticipating a boom in their hiring needs once things go back to ‘normal.’ From manufacturers, diesel truck and heavy equipment dealerships and repair shops, to residential, commercial, and industrial HVAC/R companies, they are preparing to meet these upcoming recruitment needs through proactive recruiting measures and hiring with longer than normal start dates. Starting the interviewing process now can help avoid any delays and facilitate a faster hiring decision when the time is ready.

A contingency recruitment agency with specific divisions that specializes in your industry, like Rockstar Recruiting, can partner with you to actively and proactively recruit for any of your hiring needs.

Contact us today to learn how our expertise can alleviate some of your stress and help support and build your team.

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”- Henry Ford

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Rockstar Recruiting connects you with skilled mechanics, HVAC technicians, millwrights, fire specialists, and plumbers for your job openings.

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